The Verlag Hermann Schmidt in Mainz has just published the first softcover version of Hans Peter Willberg and Friedrich Forssman’s Lesetypografie. This is the fifth edition; the initial edition was published in 1997. The book is in German only, but it is one of two standard typographic reference works that many graphic design students in this country buy, or ask for their parents to get for them at Christmas. The other standard work, of course, is Friedrich Forssmann and Ralf de Jong’s Detailtypografie. Neither books have English-language equivalents.
Each title used to retail for €98, but the softcover Lesetypografie may be had for just €39.80. My copy arrived in the mail today. I’m quite pleased with it, but not nearly as happy as Mijn Monale must be. She recently published a bona fide love letter to the book (in German). Do go and read her piece, even if you only want to see the excellent photos she took of the new Lesetypografie edition.
It remains to be seen if Verlag Hermann Schmidt will follow suit and release a soft cover edition of Detailtypografie. Please rush out and purchase copies of the softer, cheaper Lesetypografie, dear young German readers … that is probably the only thing that will bring out more editions of this kind. Lesetypografie may be ordered at the publisher’s website: