Photo: Michael Hochleitner
A few requests have come in over the past few months from designers wanting to know where to turn to learn more about Indic scripts. Below is the bibliography from my MA dissertation at the University of Reading, a view of Hindi newspapers and their typefaces. Maybe some of these books or articles will prove useful to others as well. I enjoyed examining all of them during my work.
Adobe Systems, Optical size and typefounding at Adobe. Link to website
Audit Bureau of Circulations, ’National Readership Survey Key Findings,’ the Hindu online edition (2006). Link to website
Berry, John D., Contemporary newspaper design. New York: Mark Batty Publisher (2004)
Březina, David, The evolution of the Gujarati typographic script. Unpublished. Reading: University of Reading (2007)
Evans, Harold, Editing and Design. Book Five: Newspaper Design. London: Heinemann (1973)
The Font Bureau, Custom Fonts. Link to website
Garcia, Mario, ‘More than twelve million read the new Sakshi daily of Hyderabad, India,’ garcíamedia blog. Link to website
Grimes, Barbara F. (ed.), Ethnologue: languages of the world. Twelfth edition. Dallas: SIL, Inc. (1992)
Guha, Ramachandra, India after Gandhi. London: Macmillan (2007)
Hudson, John, ‘Unicode, from text to type,’ Berry, John D. (ed.), Language Culture Type. New York: ATypI and Graphis (2002)
Institute of Typographical Research, Text & display type faces: Devanagari. Pune: Institute of Typographical Research (n.d.)
Jeffrey, Robin, India’s newspaper revolution: capitalism, technology and the Indian language press, 1977–1999. New Delhi: Oxford University Press (2000)
Keller, Rob, Linotype Devanagari: an abridged history of the typeface with analysis of the 1975 redesign. Unpublished. Reading: University of Reading (2007)
Lambert, H. M., Introduction to the Devanagari script. London: Oxford University Press (1953)
Linotype–Paul work-file archives, held in the collections of the Department of Typography and Graphic Communication, University of Reading
Monotype Imaging, Akhil HE. Link to website
——— Non-Latin library listing. Link to website
n.a., ‘Green India Ink,’ NewsDesigner.com. Link to website
n.a., ‘Let 1,000 titles bloom.’ The Economist, Vol. 382, Issue 8156, p 69
Naik, Bapurao S., Typography of Devanagari, Volume Two. Bombay: Directorate of Languages (1971)
Nakanishi, Akira, Writing systems of the world. Rutland, Vermont; Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle Company (1980)
Nemeth, Titus, The current state of Arabic newspaper type and typography. Reading: University of Reading (2006). Link to website
Priest, Lorna A., Challenges in publishing with non-Roman scripts. Link to website
Republic of India, Census of India. Link to website
Ross, Fiona, ‘From metal type to digital letterforms – a straightforward transition for Indian scripts?’ Matrix, 9 (Winter 1989)
——— The printed Bengali character and its evolution. London: RoutledgeCurzon (1999)
——— ‘Non-Latin type design at Linotype.’ (2002) Link to website
Shaw, Graham W., ‘Printing in Devanagari – Monotype’s important role in the growth of printing in India.’ The Monotype Recorder, New Series, Number 2 (1980) pp 28–33
Simonson, Mark, Fake vs true italics. Link to website
Summit, Devanagari Indic font set catalogue. Link to website
Truong, Mai-Linh Thi et al, FontBook. Berlin: FSI FontShop International (2006)
Unicode, Inc., Devanagari. Link to website
——— The Unicode® standard: A technical introduction. Link to website