It has been about six weeks since I last posted anything here, and quite a bit has happened since the Miguel Sousa workshop at the end of February. After Miguel tried to fill our minds with the importance and usefulness of the Terminal, command line inputs, and the AFDKO, life continued in Reading as normal. Gerard Unger was in town for his second-to-last workshop of our course, and a week later, Victor Gaultney came in twice. His first day brought up the top of diacritics, and his second visit instructed us on contemporary methods for italic design.

Quite a sight… look at all those little books. Yet this is a typical Monday afternoon for MATD students.
That second visit of Victor’s was on Friday, March 14th. My last event of note at the University before Easter was an after-term presentation by Michael Twyman of early paper-covered—and paper-covered board-bound—books. Naturually, it was par for the course that the covers of many of these books were printed lithographically.
On Tuesday the 18th, I flew back to Germany, where I’m spending the break between the second and the third term. I don’t head back to Reading until April 15th. After celebrating the Easter holiday a bit too long, I finally began working on my typeface again on Sunday.

Yes, I know that you can’t tell much about the design yet from this 500px-wide photo. If you really want to know, just ask!