Paul, Dan, and I celebrated Thanksgiving this year in the Oakland’s apartment complex, where Paul, Dan, and Michi are living this year. We invited a big group over; there were 10 of us all. Thankfully, I cooked enough stuffed turkey to feed about 20. Each guest brought something unique, including salad, stuffed mushrooms, sweet potatoes, quiche, butternut squash roll, brownies, apple pie, pecan pie, Sacher Torte, etc. The list could go on even further. I was so busy cooking that I didn’t take any photographs myself. Thankfully, my classmates have stepped in to fill in where I was lazy; the picture to the left is from Michi.
If Thanksgiving helps celebrate the idea of leaving home for new horizons, chance taking, and all that, then we were quite a group. Besides having three and a half Americans—Marie is also half Norwegian and half French—we had a Frenchman, two Austrians, a German, a Belgian, and an Italian. Unfortunately, Anke, Rahel, Nadine, and Susanne—all of which have been at previous Thanksgiving dinners of mine in Germany, couldn’t make it over. Next year in Berlin? Best to make your travel arrangements now… Thanksgiving is always celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November, making that November 26th, 2008!

Here is a close-up of some of that turkey meat. Photo by Michael Hochleitner.

Marie and I fight over the wishbone. Photo by Michael Hochleitner.

I haven’t the slightest idea what Marie and Dan are looking at. Photo by Michael Hochleitner.

Joke yearns for more salami. Photo by Michael Hochleitner.
All of Michi’s photos may be found on his flickr space. Ditto for Paul Hunt. Joke has posted thoughts and photos on her blog, too.