Last call for entries to a greek typeface design contest-exhibition
New extended deadline: 31st of May.
In order to capture current trends in the design of greek alphabets, the 3rd International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication and backpacker invite greek and foreign type designers to participate in a typographic exhibition, where the “greek alphabet” is the leading actor.
Submission Categories
The entry categories are:
- text typefaces
- display typefaces
- pixel typefaces
- experimental typefaces (either in terms of forms, or in terms of technique used – see below)
The techniques you can use are:
- design (e.g., Fontlab, Fontographer, Illustrator, etc.)
- other media (e.g., photography, video, animation, CGI, etc.)
The participants can be design students, amateurs or professionals with no age or nationality constraints.
The selected entries will be exhibited during the 3rd International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication and they will be included in the exhibition catalog. After the conference the exhibition might travel to other selected venues in Greece or abroad in order to be presented to a wider audience.
The best submissions will be awarded with 1000, 700 and 500 euros worth of prizes, including type related software, books and typefaces.
The 3rd International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication is an international conference aiming to develop education and research in typography, as well as advance typographic practice in Greece. In June 2007 the University of Macedonia Press, with the support of the Department of Typography & Graphic Communication at the University of Reading (UK) and the Association Typographique Internationale (ATypI), in collaboration with alterVision, and with the co-operation of Redfish and the Thessaloniki Design Museum, will be hosting the 3rd International Conference on Typography and Graphic Communication with the general theme From Verbal to Graphic.
More information including the provisional speakers list, workshop details, and registration forms are available from the Conference web site (http://ictvc.org/)