Tomorrow I’ll be traveling from the secret capital of type to the real capital of Germany. I’ve been spending most weekends in Berlin since Anke moved there two months ago. But this time I’m making the trip to speak at the Berliner Typo-Stammtisch. Ivo founded this event several months ago, and I seem to have been joshing him about it ever since. But by all reports, at least 28 people will be in attendance on Friday, which is at least twice the average number of participants we get in Offenbach for our three-year-old Typo-Stammtisch. My theme for Friday? »Kick it like Benton. Oder: wie ich lernte, die Bank Gothic zu lieben«.
Thomas Maier will give a presentation as well. Entitled »Die Typographie der Schreibmaschine«, it will touch on the typography of, well, typewriters.